Francesville Town Council Members
Tom Thomas - President
Sydney Disinger
Susie Overton
Council meetings are held at 6:30 pm at the Francesville Fire Station on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Meetings are held in the Francesville Fire Station office beside the large front doors.
Following the opening of each meeting and the approval of minutes of the preceding meeting, petitions of comments by citizens may be made to the Town Council after which the Council will continue its Order of Business.
The Council encourages public input on issues relevant to the Town’s governance.
Town Council Members & Clerk-Treasurer: [email protected]
Water, Sewer & Streets: [email protected]
Police Department: . [email protected]
Council meetings are held at 6:30 pm at the Francesville Fire Station on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Meetings are held in the Francesville Fire Station office beside the large front doors.
Following the opening of each meeting and the approval of minutes of the preceding meeting, petitions of comments by citizens may be made to the Town Council after which the Council will continue its Order of Business.
The Council encourages public input on issues relevant to the Town’s governance.
Town Council Members & Clerk-Treasurer: [email protected]
Water, Sewer & Streets: [email protected]
Police Department: . [email protected]